Welcome to Moda Fabrics!
Cake. Moda. Mix.
Cake. Moda. Mix.
The Moda All-Stars like cake. Red Velvet. Carrot. Chocolate. Coconut. And they love Layer Cakes! So when they were asked to use a Moda Cake Mix to bake up a quilt, they were on it!

If you haven't heard, the Moda All-Stars have a new book titled Mix It Up. Sixteen quilts made with Layer Cakes or Charm Packs and Moda's Cake or Cupcake Mixes - Mix It Up! 16 Quilts from Cake Mix & Cupcake Mix Papers.
What are those? It's a triangle paper that lets you stitch, cut and press to yield all the parts you need for a block. Each Recipe is different - some mix two sizes of half-triangle squares, others make the pieced units for four-patches or rail-fence units.

To read more about the book and Cake Mixes - Moda All-Stars. Book. Cake.
For today, what you need to know is that we're having a Blog-Social Media Hop with the designers in the book.
Here's the schedule:
Monday - November 4:
Betsy Chutchian - Blog & Instagram
Susan Ache - Instagram
Martingale/That Patchwork Place - Blog & Instagram
Tuesday - November 5
Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic - Blog & Instagram
Laurie Simpson of Minick & Simpson - Blog & Instagram
Moda - Instagram (There might be a giveaway there... just saying.)
Wednesday - November 6
Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles - Blog & Instagram
Brenda Riddle - Blog & Instagram
Corey Yoder - Blog & Instagram

Thursday - November 7
Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill - Blog & Instagram
Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings - Blog & Instagram
Me & My Sister Designers - Blog & Instagram
Sherri McConnell - Blog & Instagram
Friday - November 8
Janet Clare - Blog & Instagram
Kristyne Czepurk of Pretty By Hand - Blog & Instagram
Sweetwater - Blog & Instagram
Sandy Klop of American Jane - Instagram
Books. Cake Mixes. Layer Cake. Charm Packs. We've got a few of those to share so... leave a comment by Midnight CST on Thursday, November 7 and you're entered to win one of each.
Just tell us the following:
- What is your favorite kind of cake?
- Have you ever used a Moda Cake Mix?
- Who is your favorite Moda All-Star?
That's it for today - let's have Cake!